
SmallD is a minimalist Java library for making Discord bots. It doesn't aim to hide the Discord API from the developer, but instead to expose it for use in a convenient way. SmallD takes care of just the necessities of communicating with the Discord API, leaving a large amount of flexibility in the developer's hands.

Features considered in scope:

  • Authentication, Identifying, Resuming
  • Hearbeat
  • Rate Limiting

Features considered out of scope:

  • Serialization and deserialization of JSON messages/payloads
  • Caching


The flexibility provided by the minimal API means SmallD is ideal for using from non-Java JVM languages. As such, there are examples of using SmallD from many languages included in this documentation.

There are getting started guides for:

The SmallD concept has also been ported to:


SmallD is published to maven central. It can be added with Maven or Gradle as below. Replace VERSION with the version you wish to use. The latest version is: Maven Central




compile 'com.github.princesslana:smalld:VERSION'


Head over to the GitHub or the Discord Projects Hub on Discord.