User Guide

This page outlines the API provided by SmallD. It does not aim to outline Discord specifics, such as what are valid payloads, events, etc.

The following will be useful for reference when working with SmallD:

Creating and Running

The simplest way to run a bot is to use the method. It should be passed a bot token and a lambda that will receive a SmallD instance. If more configuration is desired can be passed an instance of Config rather than the bot token., (smalld) -> {
  // attach listeners and other functionality here

This method is a convenient wrapper around SmallD.create and SmallD#run. If preferred, these methods can be called explicitly. As with the static run method, a Config instance may be passed to create if configuration beyond the bot token is required.

SmallD smalld = SmallD.create(myBotToken);

// attach listeners and other functionality here;


SmallD configuration can be specified using the Config class and passed to SmallD. The Config class provides a fluent style builder interface.

Config config = Config.builder()
  .setIntents(GatewayIntent.GUILD_MESSAGES, GatewayIntent.DIRECT_MESSAGES)
  .setShard(1, 3)
  .build();, myBot);

Gateway Events

To listen to events from the Discord gateway use Smalld#onGatewayPayload. This will pass the String that was sent from Discord to the listener you provide.

smalld.onGatewayPayload((payload) -> {
  // parse payload and act upon it

To send a payload to the Discord gateway you can use SmallD#sendGatewayPayload.


Discord resources can be requested by using the get, post, put, patch, and delete methods. The response from Discord is returned as a String, with a HttpException being thrown when there is a non-2xx response. A RateLimitException is thrown to indicate the request was rate limited.

All methods require a path be provided. post, put, and patch also require a payload passed in as a String. post may also be passed a number of Attachments.


MockSmallD is a class provided to help with unit testing Discord bots made with SmallD. It allows you to register listeners and simulate payloads being sent from Discord. It will record calls made to SmallD and allow you to verify that the expected calls where made.

A MockSmallD instance should be psased to your bot in the same way you would pass a SmallD instance. Passing your bot a payload from discord is done using the MockSmallD#receivePayload method.

To verify the actions your bot took in response to this payload there are awaitSentRequest, awaitGatewayPayload, and awaitLifecycleEvent methods. All these methods return a CompletableFuture that can be examined for the expected behavior.